In fourteen days we will reach the top


On Monday, the Stockholm Region published new figures on the number of people treated in hospitals for covid-19. It shows that the number of patients has increased by more than 200 in one week, from 519 people on November 16 to 735 today.

In SVT’s “Aktuellt”, the region’s chief physician, Johan Bratt, says that medical care is in a very tense situation.

– It’s hard. The employees do a fantastic job, but they’ve had a very exhausting spring and summer, he says.

“Will reach a peak”

Bratt says they did not expect such a steep increase in hospital patients.

However, he emphasizes that there are fewer requiring IVA care, a total of 58 people on Monday, and that there are signs that the number of new infections may have stabilized.

– The number of newly infected people in the region appears to have stagnated in the last two weeks. That would then mean that in ten, fourteen days we will reach a peak, a plateau, when it comes to hospital care. From there, we hope we can move on pretty quickly.

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