Wilma Andersson’s family is appealing Tishko Ahmed’s verdict to HD


The district court sentenced Tishko Ahmed to life in prison for the murder of Wilma Andersson, a verdict she appealed.

The Court of Appeal reduced the sentence to 18 years, Sweden’s highest limited-time sentence.

Now that Wilma’s family has appealed the verdict to the Supreme Court, they want to see Ahmed sentenced to life in prison, writes P4 Väst.

The family’s plaintiff’s attorney writes in his appeal that it is unreasonable not to believe that Wilma did not feel very extensive death anxiety at the time of the murder. And the fact that Ahmed has shed large parts of the body risks exposing the family to lifelong suffering, P4 writes.

Tishko Ahmed has also appealed

The Court of Appeals found that the extent of the violence and the course of events could not be further investigated when they delivered their verdict in October.

“In a general assessment, the Court of Appeal, based on the legislation in force at the time, has concluded that the circumstances have not been so aggravating that there are grounds for life imprisonment.” wrote the Court of Appeal.

Tishko Ahmed also appealed the verdict to HD and sent handwritten letters to the court where he wrote, among other things:

“Please give me a chance and I will prove my innocence.”
