Record number in hospitals but fewer new infections


Record number in hospitals but fewer new infections

Never before have so many people been treated for COVID in Skåne hospitals as now. Monday’s figure is a grim record that puts more pressure on healthcare. But the daily number of new infections is the lowest since October.

Monday The Skåne Region status report contains light and dark signals.

167 patients now he is being treated in the hospital with covid in a room (not IVA). That’s sixteen more than yesterday and the highest number yet during the pandemic.

20 people treated in intensive care with covid. One more than the previous day and on par with recent figures.

12 persons He died of covid from November 21 to 23. This is also a high figure.

37 new cases by covid was noticed in Skåne. It is true that this is a figure that varies a lot from day to day, but during the two previous Mondays it has been 139 and 125 respectively, and today’s price is the lowest daily figure since October 31.

Quantity: The recent sharp increase in the spread of the infection is now being seen in medical care, which is under great pressure.

But if the current figure for the number of new infections reflects development, there is hope, as infection always impacts care with a delay of a few weeks.
