For many people, a cup of coffee is sacred and Swedes drink the second largest amount of coffee in the world, after Finland. Most people make their own coffee that requires a coffee filter and Råd & Rön has mapped and I tried 15 of our most common coffee filters.
To test the amount of lead in the coffee filters, they were cut and placed in a water bath where the substances were allowed to filter. The levels in the liquid were then measured. Råd & Rön then compared it to the limit value for drinking water, which is ten micrograms per liter. In 9 of the 15 coffee filters, levels of lead were found that exceeded this.
– These are not acute levels, but since we have to reduce the amount of lead we get through food, coffee filters should contribute as little as possible, says Salomon Sand, risk advisor to the National Food Administration, to the newspaper .
“An investigation began”
In the test, there was only one coffee filter, from Lidl, for which no detectable levels were found. Coop Extra had the highest levels.
“We have started an investigation with the supplier. Regular testing at the supplier does not match R&R results, but shows levels are within established limits, “writes Helena Kilström Esscher, Coop’s head of press and media relations, in an email. to Råd & Rön.
Axfood filters also contained high levels of lead.
“Reported lead levels are higher than they should be, but they do not correspond to the test results our subcontractor has seen in completed tests,” writes Magnus Törnblom, Axfood test manager in an email. .