Suspicion of virus in nursing homes in many municipalities


From: TT


Retirement homes are once again affected by covid-19.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Pontus Lundahl / TT

Retirement homes are once again affected by covid-19. Stock Photography.

The second wave of the pandemic crown, like the first, appears to be affecting harshly nursing homes nationwide.

A survey by Swedish radio Ekot shows that at least 93 municipalities last week had suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in one or more of their nursing homes.

Ekot sent its survey of 290 municipalities in Sweden at the beginning of last week and received replies from 220 municipalities at the end of the week. Of these, 93 municipalities, more than four out of ten, had confirmed or suspected COVID-19 in their nursing homes.

According to the survey, the Borås municipality had COVID-19 in four out of a total of 19 homes at the beginning of the week, something that rose to seven homes on Friday.

Eight municipalities described the situation as serious or very serious, while 46 described the situation as serious but under control.

According to the survey, most people are satisfied with the availability of protective equipment, but are concerned about not having enough staff.

