Agenda on the will or lack of will to vaccinate against covid-19


According to the Prime Minister, with these agreements, Sweden has fully secured doses of vaccine that are sufficient to vaccinate the entire population of our country. But the question is whether everyone wants to get vaccinated.

Regarding the Agenda allocation, the opinion polling company Novus has asked the following question to 1,164 Swedes aged 18 to 79: Now it seems that there will soon be a vaccine against covid-19, and the government has said that there will be a vaccine for all Swedes. Would you like to receive the vaccine when it is available or would you not like to take it?

46 percent respond that they would like to receive the vaccine.

26 percent do not want to be vaccinated.

28 percent don’t know.

When Novus asks the quarter who answered no, that they don’t want to be vaccinated, up to 87 percent are concerned about the side effects of the vaccine.

Many people seem to remember the cases of narcolepsy, sleeping sickness, that were triggered by the swine flu vaccine in 2009. At the same time, the survey shows that more people are positive about the vaccine today compared to the end of summer. When Novus asked a similar question in August, the responses were:

36 percent would take the vaccine.

37 percent did not want to be vaccinated.

27 percent don’t know.

In our study are the Director General of the Public Health Agency, Johan Carlson and Marie Olsson, whose daughter contracted narcolepsy after mass vaccination against swine flu. She was in the Agenda study nine years ago with her daughter and talked about her experiences with the Pandemrix vaccine.

In a link from Kalmar, we have with us the Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S). We wonder how to interpret these figures and what it means if a quarter of Swedes choose not to get vaccinated. Do the government and authorities want to massively vaccinate the Swedish people against covid-19? We discussed the risks of side effects and wondered which are the most important to start vaccinating next year.
