– These are great losses in which the sports and cultural sector has also ended. We are now heading into a winter in which the pandemic is expected to last for quite some time. Today we announce that they are expanding support for business adjustment for the rest of the year and will return to the issue of support for culture and sport, which obviously needs more, he says at a digital press conference.
Amanda Lind and Mikael Damberg (S) announced on Friday that the decision has been formally made on a maximum limit of eight people for meetings as of Tuesday, November 24.
The exception remains
– Given the situation in which we find ourselves, it is necessary. It will have significant financial consequences and the situation requires great sacrifices for each of us, says Amanda Lind.
A vote has been taken to remove the exemption for 300 people at the hearing, but the government believes this is currently a theoretical discussion.
– When the spread of infection increases, you can make those decisions at the regional level and you have too. We assume that they will continue to do so. We do not change the system we have where the regions work with the municipalities, says Mikael Damberg.