However, there are many signs that Joe Biden is getting older than the average American man: he is highly educated, well paid, slim and white. You have a challenging job, possibly with very high stress levels, but you have regular contact with doctors. He has a social life and a family.
No other president in the history of the United States has been the age of Joe Biden. Ronald Reagan left the White House a few weeks before he was 78; Donald Trump will turn 75 in June of next year. Hope in the age of the next man is greater; Dwight Eisenhower was 70 when he retired in 1961.
“Biden’s age can be viewed both positively and negatively,” said William Antholis, director of the Miller Center, a presidential research institute affiliated with the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
There is detailed documentation about all the presidents of the United States, and various researchers are affiliated with the center, which is also a source of knowledge about the political history of the United States for students and experts.
He continues:
Biden’s nearly 50 years in Washington politics has given him not just experience, but a kind of wisdom in knowing exactly when to react or not to react to different things. You also have a large network of people you have worked for, or known or known for.
– I myself am a good example of that. In 1986, I was a student here and Biden considered running for the presidential election. So he’d been a senator for twelve years now, and I gave him a tour of the university. That was 34 years ago! There are hundreds, if not thousands, of “Bill Antholis” in the United States, people who have personal memories of him.
Biden may miss John F Kennedy or the charisma of Bill Clinton, but it has left its mark on his years.
According to doctors, Biden is healthy, but he has been treated for high cholesterol, skin cancer and arterial hernia, aneurysm. Age places him in a demographic category where mortality is higher, and in a risk group for covid-19, a virus that knows no borders, not even at the doors of the White House.
Therefore, the outside world considers His vice president, Kamala Harris, in a different way than Biden herself was seen in that role – she could actually succeed him. Therein lies a challenge, more for Harris than for Biden, Antholis says: You must be careful to keep up with the president, be clear that he shares his views on political issues, and is not an alternative center of power. Kamala Harris must navigate within the framework of her mission, never appearing as her boss’s competitor.
In Washington, however, Joe Biden is not alone: it is a year with Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Senate. President Nancy Pelosi has turned 80. 29 senators are 70 or older. But even if Biden stays in shape through 82, he is considered unlikely to line up for a second term. It gives you little time to make a good impression.
Is Biden in more of a hurry than other new presidents?
– I don’t see it that way. Joe Biden is a legislator. He cares, the legislation is what he has been doing for decades. But compared to an executive presidential order, the legislation is slow and complicated, says William Antholis.
He predicts that Biden will deal with the worst first – the pandemic, the vaccine, the economy – and do it as soon as he can, and then he will focus on more long-term work.
– But Washington is divided, and even if the Democrats won the majority in the Senate, the advantage is small. It will be difficult to overcome the legislation. Nor do I think that is what he wants, he has said that he wants to unite the country. I think he’s careful. That’s Biden’s strength and weakness, he’s a cautious politician.
Read more: This happens after the US presidential elections.