Various side effects detected by the vaccine.


The Pfizer / Biontech and Moderna vaccines are said to be the closest to the market. Both are in their respective phase 3 studies and are described as effective up to 95 percent.

This may run counter to the US Drug Administration’s statement that they will approve all vaccines that are at least 50 percent.

Side effects of the coronavirus

There is already talk of side effects of the vaccine.

– These are the classic side effects of vaccines. Fever for a few days, headache. Pain at the injection site for a few hours to 24 hours. You can get tired and lethargic. But it happens within 24 hours, even if some stay longer, says Matti Sällbom, professor of biomedical analysis at Karolinska Institutet in “After five.”

– So some may have a higher fever, you can protect this. But there is nothing that deviates from the ordinary.

Phase 1 studies began in March. Therefore, little is known today about possible long-term side effects, but not all.

According to Matti Sällbom, you learn more with each passing day.

I can still wear the crown

Several experts have described vaccines as the most important measure to overcome the spread.

But despite being vaccinated, you can still spread the infection, says Sällbom.

– The vaccine does not protect against infection, it protects against disease. What we hope, but do not know, is that the vaccine itself will shorten the time you are infected and transmit the virus to a very short time with very little virus.

– The hope is that the vaccine means that you have a much lower infectivity if you get infected.

Sweden, together with the EU, has signed an agreement on access to Pfizer’s corona vaccine. Sweden will have access to 4.5 million.

The European Commission has previously entered into an advance purchase agreement with Astra Zeneca AB, Sanofi / GSK, Moderna and Janssen Pharmaceutica NV.

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This is the effect when the vaccine is administered.
