From: TT
Photograph: Björn Larsson Rosvall / TT
X-ray in an intensive care unit for patients with covid 19 at Östra Hospital in Gothenburg. Stock Photography.
The number of covid 19 patients is increasing in hospitals also in Västra Götaland.
However, the proportion of these patients receiving intensive care is lower than in the spring. Now, doctors and health professionals are trying to find out why.
At the moment, 220 patents with covid-19 are being treated in a hospital in Västra Götaland.
32 of them receive intensive care. This is less than when the total number of patients in the spring was at the same level as today.
– We have no real explanation for this, says Ann Söderström, director of health and medical care at Västra Götaland.
But it is not unique.
– It seems the same in several other regions, notes Ann Söderström.
– Of course, we are grateful that fewer patients get so sick that they require intensive care, he also emphasizes.
The explanation can be found in the care actions themselves.
– This may be because we have improved in patient care. This may be due to the fact that we take care of ourselves in a different way, that not all patients receive IVA with different treatments, says Ann Söderström.
In Västra Götaland, the number of new covid cases per 10,000 inhabitants is now higher in the area around Borås and in parts of Skaraborg.