Estonian Filmmaker Grand Journalist Award – DN.SE


A hard copy of Dagens Nyheter, 2020-11-19 11:31

Original article address:

The 2020 journalist grand prize for Newcomer of the year goes to Henrik Evertsson for the documentary series “Estonia: the find that changes everything” on Dplay.

– I don’t think I have realized how great it is to win an award like this as a professional, says the award winner.

Henrik Evertsson receives the Grand Journalist Award after discovering a hole in the ship’s hull in his documentary series on the Estonian disaster, raising new questions about the cause of the accident.

“He defied the prohibition of diving and found the hole that forces three governments to go to the bottom of the mystery of Estonia,” reads the motivation.

The nominees in the category were also DN’s Josefin Sköld for the “Not allowed to turn four” review on the Little Heart case and Mikael Delin and Kristoffer Örstadius for the “The Fake Officer” review.

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Estonian Filmmaker Grand Journalist Award
