India: air pollution exacerbates corona crisis – DN.SE


In the last 24 hours, 8,500 new cases of corona have been registered in the megacity of Delhi, with 20 million inhabitants. This is the highest figure so far during the corona pandemic.

The fact that the spread of the infection has accelerated again after a quiet month with between 2,000 and 3,000 new cases every day is explained, at least in part, by the fact that the outside temperature has dropped sharply. The development is the same in many countries, including Sweden.

Pressure on healthcare is mounting and there are concerns that chaos with crowded hospital wards and trains that were used to treat covid patients is returning. The head of the regional government, Arvind Kejriwal, has asked the central government for more resources and permission to shut down parts of the partnership.

Delhi is the capital of the world which has the most dangerous air. The problem increases each fall as temperatures drop, as tens of millions of farmers in northern India burn agricultural waste to prepare their fields for the next harvest. This, combined with emissions from coal-fired power plants, industries, and above all heavy traffic, makes the air heavy and pungent. Delhi is generally described as a gas chamber and just breathing corresponds to smoking more than 40 cigarettes on certain days. Doctors urge people to stay indoors if they can.

Air pollution contributes to a further increase in pressure on healthcare. In November, 25 percent more people sought care with asthma and breathing difficulties, says medical specialist Vivek Nangia in an interview with The Guardian.

Alarm informs about how toxic air It affects the inhabitants has been many in recent years. Asthma cases are increasing. Heart problems in young people have become more common. One in two school-age children has weakened lungs. Life expectancy in Delhi is shortened by four years. Across India, more than 1.8 million deaths a year are related to bad outdoor air, according to a study presented by The Lancet.

Now, studies also show that lungs weakened by air pollution are more vulnerable to the coronavirus. According to the Indian Medical Association, 13 percent of new corona drops may be related to air pollution.

So far during the corona pandemic India has suffered the worst after America. India, with 1.3 billion inhabitants, has 8.9 million registered cases. The country saw a sharp increase in September with more than 100,000 new cases registered almost daily. Now between 40,000 and 50,000 cases are confirmed each day.

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