Rebellion in L-40 members urges Sabuni to take a stand | News


The new appeal demands that Nyamko Sabuni already declares now that the liberals want to be part of a bourgeois coalition government after the 2022 elections.

– In any case, we strongly urge the party leadership to agree that we should belong to the bourgeoisie after the next elections, and that happens now, says Mårten Hemström, who is leader of the group of liberals in Sala and initiator of the call to Ekot.

Just a few days after another membership requirement, after L in Stockholm, Sabuni will not open up to a possible collaboration with SD.

– Jimmie Åkesson has previously designated the liberals as his main enemy and a liberal party cannot cooperate with the Swedish Democrats in that way, Anna-Lena Johansson, president of L in Stockholm, tells Dagens industri.

Before that, the Liberal strongman in Landskrona, Torkild Strandberg, and the former Member of Parliament Allan Widman, had asked Sabuni to break the January agreement.

Criticized after the debate

Nyamko Sabuni herself has been critical of both Stefan Löfven (S) and the January collaboration, which was signed by her representative Jan Björklund.

She has reiterated that Liberals must announce their views on the government issue “well in advance” before the 2022 elections, but that they intend to honor the current agreement.

After the SVT party leader debate in October, Sabuni received the worst rating from party leaders, according to a poll conducted by Sifo / Expressen.

She then defended herself by saying that she is the “newest of all” party leaders.

– She’s not that new. Now she has been the party leader for just over a year and before that she was a minister. Time has been given to bundle up in clothes, Uppsala regional councilor Malin Sjöberg Högrell (left) told SVT.

In the latest SvD / Sifo voter barometer, L ends up below the parliamentary cap with just 3.2 percent of voter support.

READ MORE: Sabuni condemns Löfven’s leadership during the pandemic

Liberals, a protest vote against everything?

“Week with Viktor” has the solution to the constant crisis of the liberals.
