From: Hanna olsson, Linus Lindgren
A real snowstorm is brewing over Sweden.
SMHI is now issuing 10 warnings: in an area there can be up to 12 inches of snow.
During Thursday morning, an area with snow and wind blows from the west.
Very strong winds from the southwest can reach between 21 and 23 meters per second and the SMHI wind defenses in Västra Götaland, Västmanland, Halland and Uppsala counties.
To the north, it is rather the snow that can compensate. At most, it is expected to fall in Västerbotten, where SMHI class 2 warns of snow between 15 and 30 centimeters on Thursday.
According to SMHI, a class 2 warning means very difficult weather. This can mean danger to the public, major property damage, and major disruptions to important social functions.
– There will be about three decimeters of snow in combination with a fresh wind. This means that there may be drift formation and we have issued a class 2 warning there. This means that major disruptions in traffic are expected and the power supply may be affected, says Sofia Söderberg, a meteorologist at SMHI.
But it is not only in Västerbotten that snow is expected to fall. Class 1 warnings are issued in Jämtland, Västerbotten, Västernorrland and the Norrbotten coastal areas, Class 1 warnings are issued for snow between 5 and 20 centimeters.
– Everything happens at the same time. It will snow almost all over Norrland and to the south there will be strong winds. Cooler air is then expected to come in and it may be a few degrees below zero in Svealand during the afternoon and evening on Friday, says Sofia Söderberg.
Lightning can also occur in various parts of the country, but the risk of slipping is not widespread enough for SMHI to issue warnings about it.
Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY
E4 between Hudiksvall and Sundsvall. Note: Stock photography.