-– In any case, we strongly urge the party leadership to agree that we must belong to the bourgeoisie after the next elections, and that happens now, says Mårten Hemström, leader of the group of Liberals in Sala and initiator of the appeal.
It has begun to blow vigorously within the Liberals, a debate that gained momentum after the latest SVT Novus poll when the party only received 2.7 percent in support from voters.
After that came the demands of the heaviest party representatives to leave the January collaboration soon, but where it went, there were setbacks from others in the party.
The party county union chairman in Skåne, Torkild Strandberg chased him down and demanded an end to the January collaboration, even MP Allan Widman thinks it’s urgent, but there was a direct reaction from the liberal regional council Anna Starbrink in Stockholm and also from Anna-Lena Johansson, president of the party’s union in Stockholm.
So now around 40 party members across the country are calling for the party leadership to publicly declare that they want to overthrow Stefan Löfven and, after the next election, form a government with Christian Democrats and moderates, and preferably with the Center Party if they wish. The party’s leader, Naymko Sabuni, has said that a message about the liberal line will arrive long before the elections. But in due course, it is now, says Mårten Hemström, group leader in Sala.
– It takes time to establish trust and restore lost trust. We need a year and a half to show our bourgeois voters that they can take us seriously. We are once again part of the bourgeoisie, he says.
But the question On supporting a moderate government, he divided the Liberals after the last elections, a majority of the Liberals said no, precisely in reference to the Swedish Democrats gaining influence. Why is it obvious to you that you are now changing course?
– Because I don’t think it was the majority of liberals who wanted this. It was the majority of the party council. If all the deputies had been asked, and especially the voters, there would have been absolutely no agreement in January, but there would have been a bourgeois government, he says.
At the same time, steps now the Liberals of Jämtland-Härjedalen appear in the debate. The chairman there, Pär Löfstrand, who is also on the party’s board, says the county union’s position is that the party should abandon the January deal. When, depends on the party leadership, but waiting until next fall is too late, he thinks.
– The agreement is very difficult to understand for many in the general public, and then the political position of the liberals becomes extremely difficult to understand, and then it is better to be alone and follow their policy from a freer position, he says.