Political decisions on the crown lack rigor
The Riksdag’s decision to cancel Wednesday’s party leader’s debate is a silly symbolic act with no practical significance.
All it does is add to the confusion about what applies. For example in cinemas and restaurants.
The confusion is great after the government’s decision to set a maximum limit for the number of participants in the general meetings to eight people as of November 24. The disorder has reached the Riksdag, which has decided to suspend Wednesday’s debate with the party leader on the EU due to the increasing spread of the infection.
This annual event was organized a couple of years ago.to emphasize the importance of Swedish membership of the EU. Now apparently it’s not that important anymore. The decision is symbolic and has no practical meaning. First, there are no more than eight party leaders.
And even with multiple employees, the incumbent president, stenographers and more, no more than about 20 people would remain in the gigantic plenary hall, whose airspace must be considered one of the largest interiors in Sweden. The exception is sports stadiums and possibly some conference halls.
Ventilation should also be considered a lot good. Anyone who has visited the auditorium can attest to this.
It should be added that there are already established routines by which sides to get on or off the podium to avoid closed matches in half a second that could otherwise occur.
The distance between the desks where the replicas are taken is well and well over two meters.
Therefore, the risk of spreading infections in the plenary hall should be considered extremely low. From that point of view, the decision to cancel is a blow in the air. Pure symbolism.
It’s even more confusing on the front of the book. After According to the government, one of the country’s largest theater owners, Filmstaden, decided to risk the business.
But then state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said on Swedish radio that it was enough if he wasn’t far from the cinema.
The city of cinema changed then. Even the Minister of the Interior Mikael Damberg’s press secretary, Per Strängberg, chimed in and said Tegnell was wrong.
The city of cinema then knew neither inside nor outside and is now awaiting clarifying information during today’s press conference at the Public Health Agency. I think they can forget that. (It really didn’t come).
So here, I think it’s best to add, it’s there. The bir movie screenings is a public gathering that does not require permission from the police.
Photo: Björn Lindahl
Stefan Löfven and Lena Hallengren
Since last fall, a seated audience of up to 300 people has gathered. Therefore, there may be several hundred people in the room, if distances are maintained.
But the local county administrative board may limit the number more participants in the session session. Many have already done so and have set the ceiling at 50.
Strängberg, a Damberg employee, believes many county boards of trustees will lower the limit to eight in the future. But of course you don’t know anything about it.
Whether the ceiling is 300, 50, or eight people, it is it is not clear if it has any effect on the spread of infection. But the faith is there, obviously.
Visit the organization of the hotel industry, which among other things has restaurants whose members are summoned. Nor have they understood what applies.
From the first of July, a special law applies to food service. Regulates, among other things, the distance between tables, access to isopropyl alcohol and more.
Sean some time ago, another provision also applies, namely that no party can have more than eight people.
It still applies. They can eat together in the restaurant if you are not more than eight years old and you go home no later than 10.30 pm as the liquor store closed half an hour earlier
But sometimes, and it’s now that we get to what caused the confusion at this point, restaurant guests also become part of a general gathering and should be limited to a total of eight.
It happens when in the restaurant there is some form of behavior. A troubadour, a Christmas show, a couple of magicians or something else.
Restaurants have so far been exempt from that provision. But not from next Tuesday. The spread of the infection is considered to increase in seconds when a person with a guitar takes the stage and starts some songs.
The restorer has the option to cancel the performance. Or kick out all the guests except eight.
Clear glass? Barely. The confusion is not total. But extensive. The rope is missing.
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From: Lena Mellin