From: TT
Photo: Amir Nabizadeh / TT
61 new deaths with confirmed covid-19 have been reported in Sweden, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency. Stock Photography.
The number of covid patients continues to rise in Sweden, as does the number in need of intensive care.
– We see rapid and negative development, says Johanna Sandwall, chief of crisis preparedness at the National Board of Health and Welfare.
Currently, 167 patients with covid-19 are being cared for in intensive care in Sweden. In addition, 1,288 patients are treated in hospitals with COVID-19, says Johanna Sandwall at the authorities’ press conference on COVID-19.
Nationwide, there is a good 30 percent intensive care capacity and about 40 percent of all intensive care patients are covid-19 patients.
But the development is still described as worrying.
– We have to level the curve so as not to obtain a curve that exceeds the number of hospital places, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.
Follow the high school question
61 new deaths with confirmed covid-19 have been reported in Sweden, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency. Thus, a total of 6,225 infected people have died in the country.
A total of 192,439 people have been confirmed to be infected with covid-19 in Sweden.
TT requests clarification from Anders Tegnell on the new restrictions on restricting public gatherings, which have been interpreted differently in different places.
– Now we are waiting for it to be very clear with the legislation, so we have to wait with a comment on that, says Anders Tegnell.
There has also been a debate about closing high schools again.
– We follow the issue and talk with the National Education Agency and the Ministry of Education about it. We’ll see how we land, says Tegnell.
SVT asks if stricter restrictions should have come sooner.
– It is important with the restrictions that they must come at a good time, says Anders Tegnell.
– Our assessment is that we have entered a good time. We are at an early stage and it is difficult to say what effect it has had. It will be a week or so before we can see it clearly.
Calms down in Europe
Internationally, the increase in infection continues at roughly the same rate as before.
– It’s a huge increase in the United States that is having a huge impact right now. However, things are beginning to calm down in Europe, Tegnell says.
– We can only hope this development continues, it is too early to tell.
MSB emphasizes the importance of everyone helping to reduce the spread of infection.
– There should be no doubts about what applies and how to behave in different situations. I suppose that what the government announced yesterday will help clarify even more that it is now serious. Everyone must act to reduce the spread of the infection, says Svante Werger, an adviser to the Swedish Civil Protection and Emergency Planning Agency (MSB).