Despite the government’s restriction of public gatherings to a maximum of eight people, seated audiences of up to 50 people are still allowed. This is due to the fact that an exception is kept for seated audiences.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S) maintains the public exemption. Image from early November.
A very intrusive move, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said when he introduced the new restrictions on Monday. A maximum of eight people can meet at public meetings and public events.
But the question is what the new restrictions will comply with. The memorandum sent by the government for quick referral states that the government retains the exception that was introduced earlier, the so-called public exemption.
“The prohibition does not apply to public meetings and public events with a maximum of 300 participants, if each of the participants is assigned a seat with a distance of at least one meter to the other participants and conditions are also created for participants keep that distance from each other in the meeting or event, “he says.
The exemption was introduced when the maximum limit for general gatherings was 50 people to allow cultural and sporting events.
However, in relation to several regions that introduced stricter recommendations, the county administrative boards decided not to reach 300 people without maintaining the 50 limit.
This means that events with a seated audience of up to 50 people are still allowed, despite the government’s reduction to eight people.
The question then is what remains and is affected by the new restrictions. According to the Interior Minister, Mikael Damberg’s press secretary, this is all that is stipulated by the Public Order Law, excluding the exception for seated audiences.
General gatherings include demonstrations, lectures, gatherings for religious practice, dance and theater performances, and concerts. With the exception of demonstrations and dance performances, these are events that are affected by the audience exemption.
Public events include sporting events, dance events, markets, and fairs.
If the audience exemption still applies, both football and theater performances can have 50 people in the audience, if they sit one meter apart.
According to the Justice Ministry, the new strict eight-person limit is now expected to have regulatory effect, with county administrative boards reducing their limit from 50 hearings to eight people.
It is not clear why the government does not make a decision on this. TT looks for Mikael Damberg (S).