The United States may no longer be a British colony, but many Britons seem convinced that the main purpose of the American elections is to send signals of British domestic politics.
At least if you want to believe the ongoing debate.
The British economy It is currently closed due to the spread of infection. What does that have to do with Biden and Trump? Well, as you know, America’s public opinion polls were wrong in their Florida polls. How then can calculation models be trusted? Some British debaters ask. No less important than Boris Johnson relies on in his decision to close the country. Johnson obviously hasn’t thought about uh … Florida. Time to open the British pubs!
Logic is how you hear it clearly.
Photo: Maureen McLean / Shutterstock
The second question what, of course, can be decided on the basis of the American elections is Brexit. As you know, 2020 has been a good year for guys with Twitter accounts and basic Excel skills. First, they all became experts in epidemiology. Then they could easily become experts on the American electoral system. If this has irritated you in Sweden, consider how we feel in the UK.
Here, these folks have been experts on extremely complex trade policy in light of Brexit for four years now. Now that they have both contagion curves, a US vote count, and a Brexit negotiation amid the unrest, they have entered a twist, so to speak.
The third genre of American analysis is more political. I have named it: “He who won the election did not win, he who did not win the election won.”
Let me explain:
Many on the left in Britain have argued that the only thing that can defeat right-wing populism is a radical new left-wing populism. But now Biden has defeated Trump. This means that it was a boring center-right politician who did the job and many left-wing Britons think this is unfortunate. Therefore, they argue that Joe Biden may have won the election, but has not really won yet. Trumpism is not dead. Trump may be defeated, but he is not defeated yet.
It can be compared to how exactly the same people argue about the last two British elections. At the time, left-wing populist Jeremy Corbyn was the leader of the opposition and Corbyn lost both times. But, say British left-wing debaters, Corbyn may have lost, but still didn’t. Corbyn won the “debate”.
Bottom line: Joe Biden won the election but hasn’t won yet. Jeremy Corbyn, on the other hand, didn’t win the election, but he still won.
Political analysis at its finest!

Jeremy Corbyn.
Photo: Aaron Chown / PA / AP
Of course, all this is closely related to the argumentation that can be heard even in Sweden. Anyone who says that if left-wing Democrat Bernie Sanders had only had the chance, he would have already won against Donald Trump in 2016.
In the UK there are a similar theory stuck among the people in the political center. If only David Miliband, a right-wing Social Democrat, had won the Labor leadership elections ten years ago, everything would have been different. By then, Labor had won the 2015 election. Thus, Brexit had never become more than an idea in a report by a conservative think tank.
The fact that David Miliband today receives an annual salary of more than 12 million Swedish crowns from an organization that will help the world’s refugees and lives in an attic in New York for the money, does not seem to bother those who believe in this theory. . Surely one should combine all the advocates of “Bernie Sanders had at least beaten Trump” with all the advocates of “David Miliband had at least beaten Brexit” in one room.
That can be interesting.

David Miliband in connection with a visit to Stockholm 2019.
Photo: Paul Hansen
Although there is a category of British-American polemicist who has remained silent in recent days. They are the ones who have been arguing for four years that Donald Trump is a political genius. They have spent an entire period berating the “liberal media” for portraying Trump as a “grown, half-crazy kid.” Those who portray the president in this way are only liberals from the big cities without feeling the deep currents in the depths of the people, it has been called. It is “contempt for the people” to call Trump crazy, they have roared.
But when Donald Trump this week has undoubtedly behaved exactly like the “butt of a half-crazy, careless child,” these debaters have fallen silent. But do not worry. They will surely return in a few weeks. The debate continues.
Long live democracy!
Read more:
Trump supporters on rally: We don’t mean to budge
The battle for the Senate is in Georgia: “I’m afraid of losing my freedom”