From: TT
Photo: Amir Nabizadeh / TT
The public health authority is investigating about 150 cases of corona recurrence, writes Dagens Nyheter. Stock Photography.
The public health authority is investigating about 150 cases of corona recurrence, writes Dagens Nyheter.
– You are expected to get reinfected, but you don’t know when most people get it. There are individual factors behind this, including the alertness of the immune system to the second infection. It also seems to depend on how powerful the infection was at the first opportunity, Karin Tegmark Wisell, chief physician and department head of the Public Health Agency, tells DN.
Johan Tham, chief physician and associate professor at the infection clinic at Skåne University Hospital in Malmö, tells DN that he does not believe that a lack of antibodies is the only explanation for people becoming re-infected.
– It could also have to do with the virus having changed its appearance, he tells the newspaper.