Income demands for tenure affect women


From: Ronja Mårtensson


PRO believes that older people are discriminated against in the rental market.

The requirements of rental companies make it difficult, especially for older women with low pensions, to find a home, despite several years of queues.

– The Wild West prevails here, says Ingemar Hamskär, PRO expert.

Aftonbladet has spoken of Solie, 72, who sold her condo to move into a rental apartment. But due to her SEK 11,000 monthly pension, it became difficult to get one.

Only after he bought donation insurance that gave him about 2,000 more a month and sent about 20 documents, did he get a rental.

PRO headquarters at Slussplan in Stockholm and Ingemar Hamskär, PRO expert in retiree finance.

Photo: TT / Annelie Nygårds

PRO headquarters at Slussplan in Stockholm and Ingemar Hamskär, PRO expert in retiree finance.

Savings capital doesn’t count

But there are many more than Solie who have ended up in this situation when they sold a home. Widows who often have a low pension are particularly affected. Here’s what Ingemar Hamskär, an expert on pensioner finance at the National Pensioners Association, says.

– We know the problem. If you don’t find out what applies before you sell your condo, it may be. That is really unacceptable.

Several landlords require homeowners to have at least SEK 5,002 left when rent is paid. However, the capital in a savings account is not counted as income.

Familjebostäder, one of the three big rental companies in Stockholm that has apartments through the public service, writes in a comment to Aftonbladet that the company does not approve the savings capital because it is not considered a basis for the secure payment of rent throughout over time.

Decide the rules yourself

Today, there are no laws or regulations that prevent homeowners from setting certain income requirements. Ingemar Hamskär criticizes the fact that companies do not look more to the whole when it comes to the ability to pay of the potential tenant.

– Here is the wild west and too much freedom for the owners. The public benefit should be at the forefront of standardization by having reasonable requirements for the ability to pay of new tenants. Otherwise, it will be a kind of structural age discrimination.

Earlier this year, the government and the cooperation parties agreed to investigate the free rental facility for new production. Ingemar Hamskär believes it is a proposition that can hit older people hard.

– It is a cloud of concern for the elderly that rents may slip away. Therefore, significantly higher pensions are needed and cheaper apartments are built for the elderly, he says.

Photo: Robin Lorentz-Allard

Solies, 72, has $ 1.6 million in the bank. They were worth nothing when he applied for a rental apartment. The 72-year-old woman’s low pension was all that counted.


