From: TT
Photo: Jacquelyn Martin / AP / TT
Trump supporters outside the White House last Friday.
Supporters of US President Donald Trump are planning large protests in Washington DC and other cities on Saturday.
Demonstrations are taking place in support of Trump’s unfounded allegations of election fraud.
The president of the United States has even refused to acknowledge the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the presidential elections in early November. That Biden won was already clear a week ago, but the margin of victory was increased even further on Friday, when several US media companies claimed that Barack Obama’s former 77-year-old pair of horses also won in Georgia and Arizona.
Trump has persistently claimed that he himself is the rightful winner and that Biden’s victory is the result of electoral fraud, an accusation for which he has produced no proof. At a press conference on the covid-19 vaccine on Friday, however, he said that “time will tell” who will run the country after January 20, which has been interpreted by many as a beginning to accept the idea of a change of power.
The planned rallies in Washington DC and several other cities in the United States are expected to bring together both common Trump supporters and right-wing extremist elements, including the pro-violence white power group Proud Boys. The events have been given several different names, including March for Trump, Stop the Steal, and Million MAGA March, in reference to the Trump campaign slogan Make America Great Again. The latter also alludes to the March of the Million African American Men, organized by the leader of the Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan in Washington in 1995.
Left-wing groups are planning counter-demonstrations both in Washington DC and elsewhere.