We all need to prepare for the fact that the situation may get worse. Almost all Scanian municipalities now have a three-month stock of protective equipment, which feels safe. Writes Anneli Hulthén, Governor of Skåne.
It’s just not the time to party, not at the pub or at home. It’s also not the time to walk the mall, have fun shopping, or hit sweaty gyms indoors, writes Anneli Hulthén.
This is a discussion post. Writers are responsible for opinions.
Skåne handled the first wave of covid-19 relatively well. The worst spread of the infection took place first in other counties. Skåne was given time to prepare and mobilize. This is a partial explanation for the fact that covid-19 has so far not led to as many deaths in Skåne as in other metropolitan counties.
Is now a completely different situation. The spread of the infection is widespread throughout the country. Reports from the Skåne Region show an alarmingly rapid spread of the infection: more are now infected in Skåne than in the spring, and the most seriously ill people are being treated in hospitals for COVID-19.
On June 11, the Government commissioned the Skåne County Board of Directors to monitor nationwide compliance with the recommendations, advice and guidelines of the Swedish Public Health Agency. A simple summary of the report in the months that have elapsed since then is that businesses and companies make great efforts to create the conditions so that we can all follow the recommendations.
Companies such as shops and restaurants have taken the necessary measures. However, the congestion could have arisen because visitors did not follow the distance recommendations. This does not happen due to ignorance, but due to lack of patience and perseverance, according to the municipalities to the provincial administrative board.
Now the government proposes that alcohol is not sold and served in pubs after 10 pm. In addition, restaurants must close at 10:30 p.m. The restrictions are expected to take effect from November 20.
We can see that the strict general guidelines that were introduced in Skåne on October 27 have had some effect. But everyone must realize that the strictest general guidelines must be followed. Feel free to compare them to the recommendations that previously included those over 70. Now we all have to think like over 70 years.
It’s just not the time to party, not at the pub or at home. It’s also not a place to walk through the mall, shop, or hit sweaty gyms indoors.
The model that Sweden has chosen to combat the pandemic are not temporary laws that restrict the movement patterns of people. Instead, there are tips, advice, and guidelines. This gives us freedom, but also responsibility. Now I call on everyone in Skåne to take up that responsibility. This is the biggest social crisis Sweden has experienced since World War II: we must all persevere and persevere. There is growing evidence that we may be forced to live in this pandemic state for a long time.
The County Administrative Board continues to report on how the guidelines are being followed. The Government has also given the Skåne County Administrative Board a new mission to develop and improve reporting by December 1.
We all need to prepare for the fact that the situation may get worse. During the spring and summer, the County Administrative Board, along with the Skåne Region and county municipalities, worked hard to build stocks of protective equipment and then together created a model, which was followed by many other counties, in which the municipalities were able to co-purchase difficult-to-access equipment.
The new model It has meant that almost all Skåne municipalities now have a three-month stock of protective equipment. The County Administrative Board is now working to investigate the possibility of a joint Scanian sales warehouse, which is automatically replenished when the equipment is consumed. This means that Skåne is much better equipped than six months ago, which feels safe.
Together we will get through this.
Anneli Hulthén, Governor of Skåne