From: TT
Photo: Amir Nabizadeh / TT
A demonstration in front of the Polish embassy in Stockholm against the hardening of abortion laws in the country. Stock Photography.
Polish women should be offered subsidized abortions in Sweden, according to the Skåne Green Party. Mätta Ivarsson, leader of the party group in the Skåne region, believes that the tightening of abortion legislation that is ongoing in Poland means that women’s rights are being dismantled and recalls that Swedish women in the 1960s They went to Poland to have an abortion.
– We think it’s time to pay, he tells P4 Malmöhus.
Even today, it is possible for Polish women to have an abortion in Swedish healthcare, but then they must pay a cost price. The Skåne Green Party believes that they should only have to pay the usual patient fee.
– We propose that a dialogue be initiated with the government on how to resolve this. To begin with, it would have to be funded by the state.