From: TT
Photo: Lars Pehrson / SvD / TT
Fox. Stock Photography.
The Swedish Armed Forces have reported an officer to the Staff Responsibility Committee for killing a fox with an automatic rifle, reports SVT Norrbotten.
The officer was training at a shooting range in Boden in September when he discovered a fox that appeared to be ill. He decided to kill the fox by shooting him with his automatic rifle.
The fox ran into an adjacent forest after being hit by a gunshot, and the officer followed the animal and judged it dead.
But the fox was still alive and then he returned to the shooting range. The officer then fired at the fox again with a colleague’s automatic rifle, according to SVT.
The Armed Forces want to investigate whether it is allowed to use their service weapon to kill animals under the Hunting Ordinance, and the Personnel Accountability Committee is considering a prosecution report or disciplinary action.