M wants to allow alcohol with takeout in Malmö


The purpose is to support the restaurants of the city when the restrictions of the authorities slow down the nightlife.

Bowl! The moderates in Malmö want restaurants to take customers home drunk along with takeout.Photo: ARCHIVE
Opposition councilor Torbjörn Tegnhammar believes that it is all just a question of how to interpret the law.Photo: CHARLOTTE T STROMWALL / PRESS IMAGE

– If you order food at home or pick up food at the bar, which many do now, then you should also be able to bring a drink, says opposition councilor Torbjörn Tegnhammar (M) to Sydsvenskan.

In the spring, Växjö moderates gave the green light to deliver food and wine to private homes in the city. There, politicians equate delivery with a regular catering permit, and staff verify the identity and degree of intoxication of customers.

“A matter of interpretation”

However, the Kronoberg County Administrative Board criticized the committee responsible for the permit, with the justification that the Alcohol Law requires that service personnel be on site at the same time as the catering service is performed.

Tegnhammar believes that everything is a matter of interpretation.

– You must comply with the law, but you can interpret the law in different ways. I don’t think the county administrative board has an automatic right to interpreting privileges that elected representatives don’t have, he says.

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