He cheated seven million crowns
From: Lilian andersson
The blind woman with MS in a wheelchair said she was completely dependent on her assistants. She couldn’t eat, dress, or go to the bathroom herself.
Here she is revealed by stealth images of police scouts as she walks for miles at a rapid pace.
– The photos show one of my good days, said the woman.
The 55-year-old woman is charged with a serious benefit violation and is suspected of having defrauded herself out of SEK 7.3 million in incorrect assistance allowance from the Swedish Social Security Agency. Frauds must have been committed between 2013 and 2018.
The woman, who lives in the Stockholm area, has received approximately 135 hours of assistance per week in some years. According to the indictment, he is suspected of exaggerating his need for help and claiming that his eyesight, mobility and energy were much worse than had been the case.
“I felt bad about the deception”
Several of the woman’s personal assistants are also suspected of crimes and four of them are accused of fraud. Each of them is suspected of reporting working hours of up to SEK 100,000, for work that has never been done.
It is suspected that part of the attendees’ salaries ended up in the 55-year-old woman’s bank account, on her behalf.
According to the investigation, some attendees must have felt pressured to commit benefits fraud because the 55-year-old woman demanded it.
– I felt bad about the trap, said one of the assistants in the interrogation.
Police scouts filmed the MS patient when she was on one of her brisk walks, sometimes the woman walking for miles.
– The suspect moves freely without help, says one of the scouts.
The blind woman with MS in a wheelchair said she was completely dependent on her assistants. She couldn’t eat, dress, or go to the bathroom on her own. Here she is revealed by stealth photos of police scouts as she walks miles at a rapid pace.
The 55-year-old woman denies the crime. She has claimed that the images with brisk walks are from days that she experiences so well.
The woman is even said to have moved so fast that the scout was forced to run to keep her in sight.
At one point, the woman was in company, they had coffee and bought ice cream, and the 55-year-old woman moved unhindered, completely alone, according to police.
“I can barely get out of bed”
The 55-year-old woman denies the crime. She has claimed that the images with brisk walks are from days that she experiences so well. She, says the woman in questioning, has lived with MS for more than 20 years, everyday life is a bit changeable when the disease breaks out.
The woman has stated that she needs help with almost everything:
– Some days I can barely get out of bed. I see almost nothing, although it is not noticeable. At a distance of 20 centimeters, I can see quite clearly; otherwise it is blurry. I need help going to the bathroom. I can barely load and I can barely scroll, I can’t read. So it’s lucky that you have assistants who can interpret visually.
When the questioner asks if the woman can walk alone without obstacles, she answers:
– Fairly reasonable at home, but not outdoors. On a good day, I could move 15 meters in the open air without assistance.
She denies that she usually leaves the apartment alone, without helpers. The exception is if you are meeting someone.
The woman has stated that she is mostly in a wheelchair. During the search of the police house, the wheelchair was trapped in a warehouse in the house.
On the 55-year-old man’s iPad, police found photographs of the MS patient clutching a bottle of wine, holding a paper cup in one hand and a paper plate in the other. He could drink from a bottle while standing, in other pictures he was playing unhindered with a dog.
The woman has stated that she is mostly in a wheelchair. During the search of the police house, the wheelchair was trapped in a warehouse in the house.
“You feel exploited”
When the doctor who wrote the 55-year-old woman’s certificate to the Swedish Social Security Agency sees the recognition photos of the woman and that she can even climb stairs without problems, he says he feels cheated.
– You get angry and you feel exploited. I didn’t expect to see this level of functionality. She has falsified the vision a lot. If I hadn’t said that I saw so bad, I wouldn’t have written that I needed so much help.
Ophthalmologists have judged the woman’s vision to be so bad that she meets the criteria for being considered blind.
The doctor dismisses the woman’s explanation that the film shows one of her best days.
– The woman agrees with steps that are too long to match the disability she claims to have. He walks independently with a bit of inhibition, not like a blind man. He does not look left or right when crossing the street, it is remarkable.
– I have no comment at the moment, says women’s advocate, attorney Percy Bratt.