During the spring, the eight party leaders met weekly, usually in digital format, to discuss the management of coronary heart disease. The meetings ended when the situation improved, but resumed again Wednesday night, even then digitally. This is taking place in the context of a rapidly increasing spread of infection that has forced tighter local restrictions in 13 out of 21 regions.
Moderate Leader Ulf Kristersson He said before the meeting that he wanted clearer information from the Prime Minister on what strategy Sweden actually has. The government is sending double signals, he believes.
– We have relaxed national restrictions and at the same time, on the contrary, we have introduced stricter restrictions in most regions of the country. It is quite difficult to understand, it speaks in different directions, says Ulf Kristersson.
After the meeting, which lasted for several hours, the leader of M did not want to give more comments other than that the criticism remains.
Sweden Democrats Jimmie Åkesson He is currently more concerned that the infection is re-entering nursing homes.
– I have been in contact with several municipal politicians who are frustrated because there is no opportunity to stop visits to nursing homes. It’s a government mistake, they should have prepared opportunities for a restraining order locally, says Jimmie Åkesson.
In both Stockholm and Gothenburg, municipal decisions were made on Wednesday to stop visiting nursing homes. It is a measure that, according to the National Health and Welfare Council, lacks legal support. This decision can only be made by the government.
Read more: Therefore, municipalities cannot stop visits to nursing homes.