Getting foreign-born senior managers into the authorities


From: TT


The management group of the Swedish Migration Agency is made up of nine people, but none of foreign origin.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Adam Wrafter / SvD / TT

The management group of the Swedish Migration Agency is made up of nine people, but none of foreign origin. Stock Photography.

Just under 5 percent of those in a management group in the top 30 authorities have foreign backgrounds, reports the trade magazine Publikt.

This despite a government decision as early as 1999 made it clear that the Swedish authorities must work to promote ethnic diversity among staff.

Among all government employees, the corresponding share is 21 percent, according to statistics from Statistics Sweden, Statistics Sweden. As defined by Statistics Sweden, a foreign origin means that you were born abroad or have two foreign-born parents.

The fact that there is so much difference between the management groups and the sector as a whole may be due to accumulation, says Minister for Civil Affairs Lena Micko (S). This means that it often takes a long time to reach a higher position within an authority.

– Then of course you may think you should go faster. But it can be compared a bit to the way women have entered positions of responsibility and it has been a long process to achieve that, Micko tells Publikt.

Over time, the proportion of foreign origin will increase in management groups, he believes.

