More than half of Sweden’s regions now receive stricter advice from the Swedish Public Health Agency due to covid-19. Blekinge does not want to wait for authority and proceeds with his own advice.
The Swedish Public Health Agency is strengthening the councils in more regions. Sara Byfors, Head of Unit, Public Health Agency. Stock Photography
We have a sharp increase in infection in Sweden, says Sara Byfors from the Public Health Agency at today’s press conference. The greatest increase in cases occurs between the ages of 20 and 59. Among the elderly, the increase is not so rapid.
Cases are also increasing in intensive care.
– It’s a clear trend break that we see, says Sara Byfors.
Deaths are expected to increase in the coming weeks, as they come a few weeks after the further spread of the infection, according to Byfors.
Currently, 130 people with Covid-19 are in intensive care and 1,000 people are being treated in hospitals with the disease in Sweden, according to Johanna Sandwall, head of crisis preparedness at the National Board of Health and Welfare.
Healthcare in twelve regions is in normal mode and nine have gone up in personal or boost mode.
The Swedish Public Health Agency is strengthening general advice against the pandemic in Västerbotten, Norrbotten and Kalmar counties. The Blekinge region is also introducing stricter local councils, but without the involvement of the Public Health Agency.
In Norrbotten and Västerbotten, residents are urged, among other things, to refrain from unnecessary travel within or between regions.
– It should be interpreted as no more trips, which often leads to new contacts with people, says Sara Byfors.
In Blekinge, 300 new infected people were found in the last two weeks and the infection is spreading upward with age. Although the region is below the Swedish average, it is not possible to wait for stricter national advice, says infection control doctor Bengt Wittsjö.
– If it continues in the same way, it will affect us in the same way as our neighboring county councils, he says at a press conference.
The councils are similar to those in other parts of the country with locally improved councils.
– Just hang out with your family, stay home, don’t travel anywhere unless absolutely necessary, Bengt Wittesjö sums up some of the new advice.
But he adds that citizens should not avoid seeking medical attention when they need it and that schooling is not covered by municipalities.
A total of 14 of the 21 regions of the country have strengthened councils that aim to limit social contacts and reduce the spread of infection.
In Sweden, 35 new deaths with confirmed covid-19 have been reported, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency. Thus, a total of 6,057 infected people have died in the country.
This applies in the regions of Sweden
Regions with stricter municipalities
Blekinge region (own advice)
Halland region
Jönköping County Region
Kalmar County Region
Kronoberg region
Norrbotten region
Skåne region
Stockholm region
Sörmland region
Uppsala Region
Västerbotten region
Västra Götaland region
Örebro County Region
Östergötland region
Regions without stricter city councils
Dalarna region
Gotland region
Gävleborg region
Jämtland Härjedalen Region
Värmland region
Västernorrland region
Västmanland region
Source: Swedish Public Health Agency