Pehr G Gyllenhammar on four-year-old daughter: “Original person”


PG Gyllenhammar, also known as “Mr. Volvo”, resigned as chairman of the Volvo board in 1993 after almost 24 years as chairman of the board.

Today he lives and works in Toronto, Canada with his wife Lee Welton Croll, 47, and their 4.5-year-old daughter Barrett.

PG has previously told of the reactions that followed that he became a father after 80 and that his children from a previous marriage became “very upset,” as he called it.

PG: “He locked us up from the start”

The family managed to live in Toronto for about a year before the corona pandemic hit, and the family has remained isolated ever since.

– We have locked ourselves in from the beginning. My wife and son don’t want to risk disappearing into a retirement home. That would be my horror. This is how you have bought in Canada, that if you are over a certain age you go to some kind of retirement home if you get sick. We remain locked in and are largely waiting for a vaccine, PG said previously.

Barret, who will turn five in January, has started school, but will not be in his place like his classmates, so as not to risk the family contracting covid-19, since PG with his age is a group of risk for the virus.

“An original person”

PG tells DN that he is “category of the realm of the dead”.

– Start distance school. Because we cannot have it among others and suddenly get a covid attack with us. So she is the only one of her kind who will not be present, says PG Gyllenhammar to Dagens Nyheter.

About his youngest daughter after his 80th birthday, PG says:

– She is an original person, who speaks the language of babies with her dolls, but has a strangely extensive vocabulary when she speaks to me. She oscillates between the two positions, says PG to DN.

In the book that Gyllenhammar recently published, PG writes that he was fortunate to meet a woman of the caliber of Lee Welton Croll. The wife, in turn, writes in the final words of the book that she thinks the opposite is true.

“The truth is, however, that I am the one who was lucky enough to meet him.”

See also:

From 2018: PG Gyllenhammar on Life with Newborn Daughter

READ MORE: PG’s bold move: immigrate to Canada
READ MORE: Former Volvo boss: sorry in my career