Donald Trump fires Defense Secretary Mark Esper


On Monday night, President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that Defense Minister Dr. Mark Esper was fired from his post.

“Mark Esper has been fired. I want to thank him for his service.” writes Trump.

It also says that the replacement begins immediately.

“I am pleased to announce that Christopher C. Miller, the highly respected Director of Counterterrorism, will be the Secretary of Defense. Chris will do a great job!” Trump writes on Twitter.

Sat against Trump

According to the New York Times, the firing is a move expected by Donald Trump. This is because Esper said last summer that he is not behind sending in the military against the widespread protests that took place in several American cities.

That, in turn, must have made Trump “furious.”

Mark Espers is a familiar face in the US military and it was noticed when you didn’t think the Confederate flag belonged to army vehicles.

“It’s boring”

Since last summer, he has been careful to speak to the media and has also been prevented from doing so, according to the New York Times.

When the crown pandemic struck, the now-former defense secretary was careful to follow the guidelines set by the US authorities.

When a sailor complained that social distancing was a morale problem aboard army ships, he responded:

– It’s sad, I get it. But I think the spread of the infection by the Navy shows that they do a very good job.
