“You can come to Sweden relatively quickly”
The entire world is holding its breath as the race to develop a corona vaccine is in full swing.
Now a Pzifer vaccine appears to be far more effective than anyone dared hope.
– This is a great day for science and humanity, says Albert Bourla, CEO of Pzifer.
The pharmaceutical company Pfizer announces that the vaccine that the company developed together with Biontech, according to the first data, turned out to be more than 90 percent effective in countering covid-19, reports the New York Times, among others.
According to the company, the tests, which are currently in phase 3, show that the vaccine, if the results are valid, would be as protective as the type of vaccine children receive against measles.
“This is a great day for science and humanity,” Albert Bourla, CEO of Pzifer, told CNBC.
In the past, researchers had hoped for a vaccine that was 75 percent effective, while Anthony Fauci, America’s leading infection control expert, said a vaccine that was 50 to 60 percent effective might be sufficient.
Initial analyzes of the tests, conducted on 43,538 participants, show that more than 90 percent of those who received a second dose of the vaccine achieved protection against COVID-19 seven days later.
This indicates that the vaccine reaches its full protection 28 days after the first dose of vaccine.
“This is what we were waiting for”
“Ohhh, immune orgasm,” Swedish immunologist Åsa Hidmark tweeted after the news.
Matti Sällberg, professor and biomedical analyst, is very positive about the announcement.
– This is what we were waiting for. We know the vaccine is quite safe, now we also know that it protects against disease, which bodes well. This is not a science-based publication, but rather a press release that we can trust in what we read, but so far so good what I can see, he says.
Sällberg believes that progress is also important for other companies that are currently developing vaccines and using the same technology.
– This means good conditions for more vaccines that can work, says Sällberg.
Sweden has a vaccine agreement with Pzifer, as well as other pharmaceutical companies, through the EU Commission.
– The vaccine should be able to benefit the Swedes relatively quickly, says Sällberg.
Rush in the stock market
The Stockholm Stock Exchange is also rising rapidly after the announcement and was up more than three percent as of 1 p.m. Some of the major European stock exchanges are rising even higher.
Pzifer announces that enough doses will have been produced by the end of the year to vaccinate between 15 and 20 million people.
The pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca has previously announced that the development of a corona vaccine is going so well that it could possibly start vaccinating as early as December.
A total of eleven different vaccines in the world are currently in the final testing stage.
Photo: Mark Lennihan / TT NEWS AGENCY