Parents have contacted Kvällposten about their concerns about the infection. According to the information, at least three third graders have been infected.
According to parents, both parents and students want distance education for affected classes.
– But the school doesn’t want to introduce it. The principal has decided that they should follow the recommendations that say not to have distance education, says a parent.
– Most of the students came to school anyway, even though their friends told them there was a crown. But the teachers only presented the teaching materials and left, says one of the parents.
Several in St. Petri are sick
According to the information, several students may be ill, but the test results were not ready at the time.
Director Eva Daun has a completely different version. For confidentiality reasons, he cannot confirm or deny whether an infection exists and therefore speaks hypothetically.
– If it happens that three students are infected, the infection control Skåne assesses that there are not enough reasons to switch to distance education, he says.
The school has also been in contact with central student health and the directive is that if students show symptoms, they should be home; others must be in school.
– So in a class at school, there were some who were at home because they had confirmed it and some had symptoms, says Eva Daun.
Decided by distance learning
Then the school decided to do the teaching as a distance lesson.
– Then it will be easier if the teacher is sitting in an adjoining room so that those who sit in the classroom and those who sit at home receive the same kind of lesson, says Eva Daun.
– We think this is what they reacted to.
The term distance learning means that teaching takes place in real time, unlike distance learning when the school sends assignments, according to Eva Daun.
Have you received any feedback from parents?
– No, we only received one email. But we have received reactions from the students.
What do the students say?
– There are different points of view.
So do I interpret it as if there is some concern among the students?
– Yes, it is clear that if you have 850 students, there are those who are worried and then there are those who are not so worried.
Is there a general concern among students?
– No.