It’s not over yet, no American media company has yet declared that Joe Biden won Pennsylvania and thus the US presidential election.
But there’s really no question that Biden will win there. Donald Trump’s lead of more than 700,000 votes on election night has turned into a lead for Biden of more than 28,000 votes.
The remaining votes come primarily from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, with Biden widening the lead for each new update.
So why haven’t American TV companies announced him as the winner yet? More than ever, they want to carry the safe before the insecure.
In Arizona, where the vote counting is also underway, the numbers have at times moved in Trump’s direction, despite Biden leading. In Georgia, Biden’s margin is so narrow that there will be a recalculation.
And even in Pennsylvania, the margin of victory is still a little too small. At the moment it is in range, as there would be an automatic recalculation there.
But most likely it is not necessary. Joe Biden will win in Pennsylvania and that’s all he needs. It could lose all the remaining states and still win the election.
Joe Biden gave another speech to the nation last night and predicted there that he will win. He said it was time for the American people “to start being polite to each other” again.
Donald Trump is not in a good mood. The atmosphere in the White House is not the best and his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, also just fell ill with corona.
According to US media sources, Trump has no plans to admit defeat, despite television companies declaring that Biden won the election.
Trump goes on to claim that Democrats are trying to steal the election with widespread election fraud and has gone to court in several cases. You have the right to do so. However, legal experts, including some Republicans, strongly doubt that this is a viable option.
Among other things, they point out that Republican politicians lower on the ballot have been successful in this election, even though Trump on the same ballot did not. It does not indicate electoral fraud.
The tradition in American politics has been for the loser to admit defeat and congratulate the winner. Donald Trump won the 2016 election, among other things, breaking with tradition, so it is not surprising that we can do without a losing figure.
But it is not necessary either. Trump cannot stop the election result on his own. On December 8 the electors in the states will be named and on December 14 they will vote.
It has been speculated that a state like Pennsylvania, where the state Congress is controlled by Republicans and the governor is a Democrat, would disagree on who won Pennsylvania.
But with the clear victory Biden is heading for, it will most likely not happen. Trump won Pennsylvania by 45,000 votes in 2016, Biden’s final margin will likely be higher.
And in that case, beginning in early January, the US House of Representatives will formally count the electoral votes and vote for the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden.
American institutions have already begun to prepare. Joe Biden, for example, has received increased surveillance from the Secret Service. Flight restrictions have been imposed on Wilmington, where Biden lives.
If Donald Trump, in the event of a Biden win in the end, refuses to admit defeat (an unlikely scenario after all) and moves out of the White House, he will be escorted out of the Secret Service building.
The Secret Service is the president’s own bodyguard force. And after 12:00 on January 20, 2021, they no longer receive orders from citizen Donald Trump.
The storm of criticism after Trump’s speech: “It’s silly.”
READ MORE: Direct Report on US Elections – 24/7
READ MORE: Expressen’s Coverage of Elections in the United States – All Collected Here.