The decision was made on Thursday and posted on the police website on Friday. The decision is said to be due to recent terrorist attacks in Europe.
– The police have a good operational capacity throughout the country, through a national special event we achieved an even more flexible organization that can both prevent attacks from occurring and act quickly in the event of an incident, says National Police Commander Stefan Hector in a press release.
Information on feared terrorist crimes
According to Sydsvenskan the police have detailed information on a feared terrorist crime.
– I can’t comment on that. The special event is being introduced due to the events that have taken place in France and Austria and we have increased our measures in the places we consider necessary, says Anna Engelbert, SVT police press secretary.
At present, there are no recommendations to avoid certain places or act in a certain way. However, according to police spokeswoman Anna Engelbert, heed the advice and recommendations of police officers who are in “certain public places”.
The police do not want to comment on what public places they are.
The national special event includes the National Police Operational Department, NOA, as well as the Stockholm, South and West metropolitan regions and the Central region.
The level of terrorist threat in Sweden is already at a high level, one-third on a five-point scale, which means that an assassination attempt can occur.