– Then we assimilate too much. Now we want to keep healthcare running, says Håkan Wittgren, director of health and healthcare.
A factor behind the decision on staff status is the staff issue, where new recommendations on family quarantine have had consequences.
– Absenteeism among staff is increasing, which of course is a challenge. We plan the best we can and our ambition is to keep healthcare open at all times, but if we end up in a situation where we have to take a break, we need to take a stand on it, says Håkan Wittgren, Health and Medical Director .
Across Västmanland, in the past week and now there have been “many more new cases than we expected until then,” according to infection control doctor Jan Smedjegård.
– Most are very mildly ill, but it shows that the infection is more widespread in our county than it was in early fall because we’ve sampled about the same number every week since then, he says.
Are the inhabitants of Västmanlanders bad at following the recommendations?
– As the spread increases so sharply, it is quite clear that they have not followed the recommendations about distance and going out into the community.
Now Jan Smedjegård wants to introduce regional restrictions in Västmanland, similar to those that already exist in other regions.
– We are eager to implement more powerful local recommendations and will have a first dialogue meeting with the Swedish Public Health Agency at the end of next week. We hope to have recommendations early next week.
Also Danderyds hospital in Stockholm it goes up in personal mode due to the tense situation. “In recent weeks, we have worked as a staff. We are continuing our good cooperation within the hospital and within the region,” CEO Yvonne Haglund Åkerlind says according to a press release.
On Tuesday, the Västra Götaland region and the Uppsala region also announced that they will go into personal mode.