A hard copy of Dagens Nyheter, 2020-11-04 18:00
Original article address: https://www.dn.se/varlden/slovenien-gratulerar-trump-i-fortid-till-segern/

Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa, leader of the SDS National Conservative Party.
Photo: Johanna Geron / AP
Slovenia’s prime minister congratulated Donald Trump on his victory on Wednesday morning. From the official EU point of view, the full vote count is expected.
USA-valet 2020
Shortly after Trump declared himself the winner and said he wanted to stop counting, Slovenian Janez Jansa followed in his footsteps.
On Twitter, the Prime Minister wrote that “it is quite obvious that the American people have elected Donald Trump and Mike Pence for another four years,” slapped the media reports and ended by congratulating Republicans on a strong result in United States.
Twitter chose to warn that the tweet was sent before an official result was available.
Jansa, who rules in Melania Trump’s home country, and Hungarian Viktor Orbán are the only EU leaders who have taken an official position for Trump. Others have followed traditional diplomatic practice, referring to the American people deciding the outcome.
From the official EU side, Foreign Minister Joseph Borrell announced that the Union is awaiting the outcome and is ready to continue building a strong transatlantic partnership.
Read more. Erik Ohlsson: Donald Trump’s Dangerous Game: Speech Can Spark Crisis