US Elections: Joe Biden’s Possible Paths to Victory Over Trump


From: Anna Sjögren


Donald Trump has already secured victory in several major states.

But Joe Biden still has a chance to win the election, and the crucial states could be Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia.

– There are still ways for both in this, says Karin Nelsson, CEO of Demoskop.

This morning, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden delivered a victory speech from Delaware.

“I’m here to say that we think we are about to win the election,” said Joe Biden.

To win the presidency, 270 voters from all 50 states are needed. Right now, Biden has 238 electoral votes against Trump, who has 213. Therefore, Biden needs another 32 to win.

A total of eight states remain to be accounted for. At this point, it appears that Biden will be taking home Arizona, a state that generally votes democratically but which the party lost to Republicans in the last election.

– That Biden wins Arizona is important. It is a democratic state that was lost to the last Republican elections and has now recovered, it is an important sign, says Karin Nelsson, CEO of Demoskop.

Must win three states

Trump leads in North Carolina and Georgia. Many predict that it will take home those states.

If Biden’s current leadership is maintained in Arizona, it will be enough to win Wisconsin, Nevada and Michigan to secure the White House for the next four years.

Nevada generally votes democratically, but it’s a battle at the knife: Biden currently has a narrow lead with just under 8,000 votes.

He also has a slight edge in Wisconsin.

Biden: get a chance to take Georgia home

In Michigan, Trump is leading at the moment, but as more votes have been counted Wednesday, Biden has begun to narrow the lead. On Wednesday afternoon, there is only a difference of 1.3 percentage points between the candidates.

If Biden isn’t taking Michigan home, he needs to take Georgia or Pennsylvania. Biden himself has said that he believes in a democratic victory in Georgia. This is because the parts of Georgia that remain to be counted are expected to have more democratic voters.

If he loses there, Pennsylvania will decide. And then we can wait for the answer of who will be the next president of the United States.

– Here it will probably take time because the votes by mail will be counted, says Karin Nelsson.

Joe and Jill Biden.


Joe and Jill Biden.

Both can still win

And right now, Trump’s dominance is in Pennsylvania with nearly 56 percent of the vote. However, many votes remain to be counted, including those from Philadelphia, where Biden is strong.

And according to Karin Nelsson, it has not been decided, the result may change as the votes by mail are counted. Like in Georgia.

– We know that people vote differently in rural areas and in cities. In rural areas, it is more Republican and appears to have gone to vote on Election Day, while Democratic voters have voted early to a greater extent.

– Then it is possible that from time to time a shape is seen, she says.

The only thing for sure right now is that this year’s choice is nail biting.

– There are still ways for both candidates to take it home, says Karin Nelsson.

Photo: Twitter

Carl Bildt (M) that Pennsylvania can become a decisive state in the presidential election.

The state-by-state vote count


