Valrysaren in the US is expected to continue for several days
From: Sophie stigfur, Torbjörn Ek
Only this weekend can we expect a result in the American elections.
Swedish-American election expert Carl Melin predicts this.
– It’s not entirely clear yet. On the other hand, it’s a lot smoother than you thought it would be based on measurements, he says.
The American walrus is expected to continue for several days. When President Donald Trump took home victory in several states where Democrats were predicted to win, Joe Biden should put his hope in four states where the vote count is expected to be prolonged, says election expert Carl Melin of the Futurion expert group.
Melin has been Aftonbladet’s election expert during the 2012 and 2016 US elections, the 2014 risk day elections, and during various EU elections. Between 2009 and 2014, he was chief analyst at award-winning opinion polling company United Minds.
Carl Melin, an expert on US elections.
“Not finished yet”
Early Wednesday morning, when about 70 percent of the votes in the United States were counted, he described Joe Biden’s chances of winning the presidential election as “uncertain.”
– I’d say it’s very uncertain. Looks like Biden is still winning Arizona. If we then assume that the states we’re pretty sure of are going where we think, then it’s about Biden needing to win three out of four from Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Arizona seems clear enough, but in the other three, much remains to be told. It may take a few days, says Carl Melin.
Are there enough votes counted for Joe Biden to have a chance?
– Yes, there is still a chance for Biden to seize it. And in Pennsylvania, it is counted much less in the strongest Democratic areas, so it is still unclear. On the other hand, it is much smoother than you thought it would be based on the measurements.
Joe and Jill Biden.
Postal vote registration
How long can it take before we have a clear result?
– It’s very difficult to say. I have seen some say that it may take up to a week, but I have not verified that information. But these include mail-in ballots that can be counted up to three days after Election Day. So maybe we’ll find out before the weekend. Or most likely this weekend, even if it is not completely finished, we will see in which direction it goes. This weekend, we should know for sure who will be the president, says Carl Melin.
Karin Nelson, executive director of Demoskop, emphasizes that many of the votes not yet counted in the states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan are postal votes and therefore the election has not yet been decided.
– It’s too soon to say that. It often looks red (Republican color, red note) from the beginning, but tends to turn blue (Democrats, red note) when you count the votes by mail and that points to a record number of votes by mail this year, says Karin Nelson, CEO of Demoskop.
Photo: Alex Kormann / TT NEWS AGENCY
Vote in Minnesota.
The state-by-state vote count