Swedes who support Donald Trump


Donald Trump is the best presidential candidate in the United States, according to Julian Kroon and Emmie Mikaelsson.

They were interviewed for the first time in the documentary. “I had voted for Trump”, which is available on SVT Play.

– I identify as right-wing, I like reduced taxes, I am against identity policies and I am in favor of freedom of expression and so it is obvious for me to support Donald Trump, Julian Kroon tells Expressen.

At the same time, you are not completely satisfied.

– I do not agree with everything he says, I have opinions about how he is as a person and I do not think he is sufficiently statesman.

Julian Kroon lives in Östermalm in Stockholm, is president of the Conservative Union and works part-time as political secretary in the City Council for the Swedish Democrats.

He thinks that the conservative movement in Sweden “has been repressed” and can be inspired by Donald Trump.

– Defend what you say regardless of the criticism you receive. Of course, it is for both good and evil, but the attitude of not being afraid and standing up for what you think is something the Swedish right can learn from.

He does not defend everything Trump does

Emmie Mikaelsson is in Donald Trump because he opposes feminism and what she calls identity politics.

– His most important opinion is the opposition to identity politics and political correctness, it is his number one most important, she says and points out that he does not defend everything he does or says.

She presents herself as a conservative opinion leader and lives in Stockholm.

I work for myself and post things on various sites.

Among other things, share videos online and write The news agency Y News today. The Nyheter Idag site is one of the most important media channels for the Swedish Democrats to reach voters. Emmie Mikaelsson has previously been a member of the Medborgerlig samling party. But he refuses to say where his income comes from.

For us in Sweden, the US elections are mainly about the so-called “culture war” and not so much about factual politics, according to Julian Kroon and Emmie Mikealsson.

Culture warfare is a term that refers to an ideological struggle between conservative and progressive ideas, usually in the United States. The term is used most often by right-wing people.

– We in Sweden are probably not so affected by the factual politics there. I think conservatives have a side in this culture war, we are the ones who are against identity politics, says Emmie Mikaelsson.

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