Donald Trump and Joe Biden in equal races in major states


In Pennsylvania, where Donald Trump won the 2016 election, Joe Biden now leads between 51 percent and 46 percent. And the difference is within the margin of error, according to the NBC / Marist State opinion poll.

At the same time, the Republican and the Democrat are exactly the same, at 48 percent each, in Arizona. Even there, Trump won against his rival Hillary Clinton in the last election.

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In both Pennsylvania and Arizona, Biden leads voters who say they voted early. However, the incumbent president holds the lead among those who have yet to vote in the states, according to the poll.

Biden is said to outperform white voters, seniors and voters with no clear party affiliation. Trump, in turn, is performing better than expected among non-white voters, writes NBC.

Both Pennsylvania and Arizona are wave states, the so-called swing states in English. They are states that often switch preference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, and that in practice decide the election.

Analysis site five thirty-eight has identified a total of 13 states as transition states.

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