According to the Kurier newspaper, seven people have died.
A witness tells the ORF television channel that he heard an explosion:
– It sounded like an explosion, then more shots were heard. A person ran down the street while shooting wildly around him with an automatic weapon. He then turned into the Roter Engel bar and continued towards Schwedenplatz while continuing to fire wildly. Then the police came and responded. “
At least 50 shots must have been fired.
According to Kronen Zeitung, several shots were fired at Schwedenplatz near a synagogue. But the leader of the Jewish congregation in Vienna could not confirm at 9:30 p.m. Monday night whether the synagogue had also been attacked. It was closed at the time, he writes on Twitter.
The incident occurred at 6:45 p.m. on Monday night. Photos from the scene show a seriously injured person outside a bar.
According to the police, several people have been injured and the Austrian Interior Minister confirms to the APA news agency that a police officer is seriously injured. Kronen Zeitung writes that a guard who was outside the synagogue must be seriously injured.
The editor-in-chief of the newspaper’s newspaper, Florian Klenk, quotes the country’s interior minister on Twitter as saying that a person has been killed.
The police have urged everyone to not leave the house and away from public places and not to share videos and photos, indicating that there is a search for one or more perpetrators.
OE24 and the APA news agency write that a suspect has been arrested. A large police force has been deployed, the police write on Twitter. A nearby metro station has been closed.
In a video taken shortly after the arrival of the police at the scene, several shots are heard like from a semi-automatic weapon.
The text is updated.