WENDELL, NORTH CAROLINA. The gun is tucked into the waist.
If he gets violent after the election, Rhonda Allen is ready to fight back.
– I fear that the left will attack us whoever wins, he says. But we on the right do not intend to back down.
We stopped by a small pond surrounded by soy farms and the occasional residential building. A fox runs into the forest next door.
The owner rents part of his land to a simple shooting range where Rhonda Allen usually makes part of her fields.
Teaches pistol and rifle shooting. But it is not about learning competitive shooting but about self defense.
Rhonda Allen pulls out the 9mm pistol tucked into her pants and with a clicking sound the magazine pops out. Swap the balls for another variety more suitable for training against a target.
She picks up one of the balls that was on from the beginning and points to the purple tip.
– This ball expands when it reaches its goal. The purpose is to stop anyone who attacks you. The other bullets go straight through.
Rhonda Allen, owner of Armed Angels Training, trains women in weapons and self defense training.
Using a stapler, place a paper target on a bracket in front of the gravel wall that prevents the bullets from going further into the ground.
She will show us some situations where she can end up and how she can defend herself quickly.
Then he goes to the cardboard figure, he pushes himself back while pulling the gun from his waist. In quick succession, fire three shots.
All three are in the innermost circle.
Protect yourself
He then takes out a blue plastic barrel that he ducks behind and lunges from the side. Again some quick shots. Even though we have earplugs, it resonates loudly in the silence where otherwise only birdsong is heard.
This time she is not satisfied because two of the shots end outside the inner circle.
– I have shooting classes almost every day, he says. For both men and women. Also children over 12 years old.
“It’s always important to be prepared for the worst day of your life,” says weapons instructor Rhonda Allen.
But above all, he wants more women. They think they are too confident that men can defend them.
– So what do you do when your husband is at work? I usually ask. Or on a business trip? Women must take more responsibility to protect themselves.
For Rhonda Allen, it is natural for one to defend oneself with weapons in hand.
– I haven’t had to shoot anyone yet but he’s been really close a few times. It is always important to be prepared for the worst day of your life. So it is important to know what to do. “Spray and pray” (shoot wildly and hope for the best) is not a good solution.
The white T-shirt he’s wearing says “Refuse to be a victim” on one sleeve. On the chest three letters NRA which stands for National Rifle Association.
“You have to choose a team”
– It can be a very empowering feeling as a woman to know that you have a weapon and can defend yourself.
Demand for his courses has increased dramatically since the pandemic hit the United States and the presidential election was imminent.
– We are a very polarized society where very few are neutral. You have to choose your team.
Rhonda Allen had no trouble choosing.
– Jesus already understood that we have to defend ourselves. God gives us that right.
That is why he believes that this year’s presidential elections are the most important thing he has voted for.
– We must push back those who want to take away our constitutional rights. So I think above all about the right to bear arms but also about the right to life.
He constantly sums up opponents in the concept of “left” with his careless dialect.
– The left does not believe that it is okay to shoot someone in self defense, but they believe that it is perfectly possible to remove a fetus from the womb and kill it. In my eyes, defending yourself is not murder, but killing an unborn child is murder.
She never raises her voice. Everything is presented as obvious truths.
Polite tail fan
For Rhonda Allen, the left represents everything that has gone wrong in America.
– They are aggressive and dangerous. They don’t give up until everyone thinks like them. I would never unprovoked another human being, but it is enough if you walk in a Trump cap for him to physically attack you on the left, even hitting you. It happens every day.
Rhonda Allen makes a new attack with her pistol and puts three quick shots in the middle of the inner ring. She smiles confidently.
Much is said in their circles about what will happen after the elections.
– Many speak of the risk of a civil war. I’m not sure it’s going to happen, but I’m ready. Regardless of who wins the presidential election, I think it will end in trouble. The United States is the last barrier to socialism. We don’t give up without a fight.
If Biden wins, he fears the left will attack Trump supporters for revenge. If Biden loses, she is certain that the left will use force to prevent Trump from sitting for another four years.
She believes that there is a difference between the violence that the left is responsible for and that which comes from the right.
Panikköper ammunition
– The left uses it to threaten and pass their will. We on the right are using it to defend ourselves.
She takes Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, who killed two protesters in Kenousha, Wisconsin, in late summer and shot one.
– He wasn’t there to cause trouble, he says. He was there to defend people’s private property. He did not attack anyone. It was only when he was attacked that he defended himself. I don’t see anything wrong with your actions.
The ground where we are is full of empty sleeves. Rhonda packs the ammo boxes into a black backpack and gets into her jeep with the “Gun Girl” license plate.
– I have trouble getting ammunition, he says. People panic when buying. What remains is extremely expensive. Many have long been preparing for when shit hits fans. Stored food, gasoline and ammunition.
For Rhonda Allen, the left represents everything that has gone wrong in America. “They are aggressive and dangerous. They don’t give up until everyone thinks like them.”
Rhonda Allen belongs to a very important group of voters for President Trump, the Christian Gospels. For her, religion is everything. During the afternoon that we are together, he often quotes the Bible.
– Many find it difficult to accept the fact that I am a strict Christian and at the same time a supporter of arms. But there is nothing strange about that.
Consider homosexuality a sin.
“We did not choose a priest”
– I absolutely do not want to sit on any high horse and claim that I am infallible. I often sin, but it’s nothing I’m proud of. I do not understand how you can sin and be proud of it by organizing pride parades. I myself am ashamed of my sins.
She slaps her hands in astonishment.
Before the last election, she was initially not a Trump supporter.
– I saw him as a cheating billionaire constantly. Ted Cruz, a senator from Texas, was the candidate of my dreams.
But since she would rather die than vote for Hillary Clinton, she eventually became Trump. She has not regretted it for a second.
– He is the first president who kept his word and really did what he promised. It has succeeded despite the fact that the left has done everything possible to sabotage it.
He is not concerned that he has spoken sexistically about women and degrading his fellow men.
– It has its flaws and flaws like the rest of us. It is not a priest we must choose, but a president.
She only smiles because opinion polls show Biden is leading big.
– The measures are the psychological war of the left to make us feel that there is no point in voting. We will not continue with that.
But I wonder how it could have been that way in the United States, the country where people grew up with the American dream of breast milk.
Rhonda has an obvious answer to this too.
– We have let our children be poisoned by liberal thinking in schools. We have created queue fanatics instead of critical thinkers. Therefore, they put on a mask as soon as someone tells them to.
Rhonda Allen herself would never think of putting on a mask.