A great left party has no intrinsic value


Dadgostar wants to attract LO members


Aftonbladet editorial page he is independently a social democrat.

On Sunday, Nooshi Dadgostar is expected to be elected successor to Jonas Sjöstedt in the Left Party presidency.

Photo: TT

On Sunday, Nooshi Dadgostar is expected to be elected successor to Jonas Sjöstedt in the Left Party presidency.

On the old wall of Jonas Sjöstedt’s office it says: “There must be a fucking order at a party.” The classic quote from the former left-wing party leader CH Hermansson is cross-stitched by Sjöstedt’s mother.

In today’s opinion polls, V is hovering around 10 percent, something that has only been surpassed during Gudrun Schyman’s glory days. Sjöstedt has doubled both voter support and membership, and during the year he topped confidence polls. So he could not deliver his match in better conditions.

Nooshi Dadgostars drivkraft

On Sunday, the Left Party Congress will likely elect Nooshi Dadgostar as the new party chairman. For many, she is an unknown name, but in the Stockholm region, Gothenburger has made a mark with her participation in “Alby is not for sale”. The network fought against the sale of the public service in the municipality of Botkyrka led by S. The activists failed to stop the political decision, but managed to drive a wedge between the Social Democrats and the left-wing parties. A young generation of the left in Stockholm was disappointed by the Social Democrats. That sentiment seems to have become a political driving force for Nooshi Dadgostar.

You want to attract LO members

In an interview with TT before the congress this weekend, he says that the ambition is to become “the great party of the labor movement.” During Sjöstedt’s time, V has been outlined on topics such as the weather, anti-racism, and feminism. They have sucked the voters out of a dwindling Green Party and nearly wiped out the Feminist Initiative.

The question is whether they will also succeed in attracting more LO members to the left.

The Left Party’s confrontation over Las and the threat to overthrow the government of Stefan Löfven if it releases the demands of the Center Party and the Liberals for a liberalization of labor law has been a push. But it is still mainly academics and officials who vote for the Left Party.

The role of the Left Party

At a time when economic differences are increasing dramatically, unemployment is growing, especially among Swedes of foreign origin and the climate crisis is acute, V has an important role. But simply winning other red-green-pink voters does not contribute to a red-green majority in the Riksdag. It is more important to shift the political center of gravity to the left than to devour the party’s close comrades. That ordinary people gain more power over their daily lives is the point, nothing more.

From: Jonna Sima



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