“I am 86 years old, so I have reason to be a little concerned.
Actor Sven Wollter has covid-19.
He contracted the dreaded virus in Stockholm.
– I feel a little bad now, he says.
Sven Wollter fell ill after a trip to Stockholm.
Sven Wollter, 86, now lives in Luleå with his wife Lisa wede. He became infected when he visited his son and his family in Stockholm a week ago.
When Sven Wollter got there, they were told that someone in the family had just been diagnosed with Covid-19. Then it was too late.
Sven Wollter says that he tried to keep his distance as best he could. I do not help.
After two or three days, he noticed how tired he was starting to feel.
– Tired, tired, tired, says Sven Wollter.
“It feels a bit half”
Photo: Magnus Wennman
Sven Wollter.
He quickly suspected that it could be covid-19. Therefore, he did one test a week and saw a doctor. On Friday the answer came: it is covid-19.
What applies to you now?
– I’ll take it easy and won’t leave town.
How are you?
– I feel a bit half right now. I have a fever and I am not feeling well.
Do you have other common symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath?
– Actually, there are no problems with that, oddly enough, because I am so old. But it looks good.
You are worried?
– If something. I’m 86, you know, so I have reason to be a little worried. But it’s not that panic.
Be careful with the distance
During the fall, Sven Wollter has been on tour with the band Nynningen. Several of the members are old friends of Wollter. The last concerts, in Luleå and Gothenburg, have been postponed for the future.
Sven Wollter has spent the crown year 2020 in Luleå or at the summer house in Bohuslän. Everything to keep your distance.
– In Luleå, it is already quite sparsely populated. I have a summer cabin in Bohuslän where I am sitting and looking at the sea right now. I’ve been here since August, we didn’t want to be crowded. Here you don’t have to clinch with people and you can keep a certain distance, he has previously told GT.
Most people with mild symptoms recover in just a few days. But it can also take up to a couple of weeks. For some, it may take months before they feel healthy again.