Coronavirus: Danderyd Hospital closes wards


Danderyd Hospital is one of the largest emergency hospitals in Sweden and also the largest maternity hospital in Northern Europe.

Two different people with management positions at the hospital confirm that several wards for ambulatory care for the elderly close when staff is needed to care for patients with Covid-19.

Instead, staff are moved to the wards that care for covidual patients.

Personnel is required in the covid department.

During the week, the hospital has called and announced that the planned visits will be canceled, like last spring.

– We have many more patients who are sick with covid-19 and staff are needed for them, says a department head at Danderyds hospital who wants to remain anonymous.

Among other things, the Danderyd Memorial Clinic which helps the elderly with dementia problems closes

Danderyd Hospital denies the information that the wards have been closed.

During the week, Danderyd Hospital has increased the number of hospital care locations as more Covid-19 patients need care. We took care of about a third of the number of patients we had the most during the spring, “writes Marianne Lagerbielke, press officer, in an email to Expressen.

“During the week we relocate employees who, among other things, work with planned operations and reception visits in order to increase the number of hospitalization and intermediate care places. Therefore, unfortunately, we have informed several patients about advanced surgeries and visits to the clinic, ”he continues.

Stockholm Region refers to Danderyd Hospital.

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