Newly appointed BBC Director General Tim Davie released the new guidelines on Thursday. These are to ensure the fairness of the utility company. The guidelines are primarily intended for news staff, management, and presenters.
The objectivity requirements mean that they cannot participate in demonstrations or marches that may be considered controversial. What is controversial should be evaluated, but staff should assume that most demonstrations are viewed that way to some extent, the guidelines state.
“He is prepared to take the necessary disciplinary measures”
The guidelines also require that social media posts are disliked, as it can be seen as a stance on an issue. Guidance additions will be added on how to avoid bias through followers, likes and shares. Employees who receive income outside the organization must also disclose this in a public database.
Last month, the CEO said Tim davie that if the guidelines are not followed, the person in question can be suspended from social media.
– I am willing to take the necessary disciplinary measures, until dismissal, said Tim Davie then.
Proudly allowed train
On Friday, Davie clarified that employees can participate in gay pride parades, something that was previously interpreted as prohibited. But employees are asked not to participate in any political demonstrations, not to take a stand for charities or any other form of initiative. Write TT.