Bella Nilsson, called “Queen of Trash”, and her husband Thomas Nilsson, who runs the recycling group NMT Think Pink, were arrested by the police task force at their home on September 12 of this year. Another person, who works as a consultant in his group, was also arrested.
The three were subsequently arrested on suspicion of a serious environmental crime. The consultant is also a suspect in a serious money laundering offense and previously, like Bella Nilsson, was convicted, among other things, of a serious tax offense.
Bella Nilsson was released from prison two weeks ago, but a serious environmental crime is still suspected.
Expressen has contacted her on several occasions. However, his lawyer Thomas Bodström has said that his client is busy with his business.
But Expressen can now reveal that Bella Nilsson last week, on October 23, filed for bankruptcy of NM Trading och Transport AB. The company, where most of the business is conducted, is a subsidiary of the proprietary NMT Think Pink, which is wholly owned by Bella Nilsson. A bankruptcy has also been initiated in the Resurs-Recycling i Stockholm AB Group subsidiary.
NM Trading och Transport’s bankruptcy application, which was filed with the Södertörn District Court in Stockholm, shows that Bella Nilsson wanted the lawyer Morgan Kvarnström of WE Advokater as the bankruptcy administrator.
Kvarnström has just started working in bankruptcy:
– I have discovered that the business has completely stopped. In October, many of the employees left, many leasing companies that had rented machines have taken over their property. The rest of the business is mainly debt. And the pile of garbage then.
The Bella Nilsson Group Companies:
• NMT Think Pink is the parent company of the Bella Nilsson Group. She owns all the shares alone.
• The Group has three subsidiaries: NM Trading and Transport (where most of the business has been carried out), Resurs-Recycling i Stockholm AB and Sverige Säcken AB.
• At present, two of the Group companies have declared bankruptcy: NM Trading and Transport and Resurs-Recycling in Stockholm AB.
Is there a lot of debt?
– It is not clear. I have looked at the balance and have been in contact with the bank. It’s ten million crowns for the bank and ten million in accounts payable, but it will probably grow. Accounts receivable can also be found here.
Bella Nilsson has paid dividends in shares to the parent company and, from there, has obtained a dividend in shares for her of twelve million crowns. Can you talk about getting this money back?
– Certainly there are different balances for the parent company, so it is possible that they will retire and have lawsuits, but I cannot say that yet, says Morgan Kvarnström.
NM Trading and Transport has twice received the business magazine Dagens Industris Gazellpris.
Today’s industry, Di, names the fastest growing companies in Sweden annually and ensures that they gain fame for their hard work and success. Di Gasell’s purpose is to honor and support Swedish companies and entrepreneurs.
NM Trading has attracted attention primarily for its pink trash bags and owner Bella Nilsson, who on her own blog calls herself “Queen of Trash.” There he writes:
“My name is Bella Nilsson and I see myself as a refined entrepreneur who loves to have a lot of iron on fire, preferably at the same time.”
Bella also writes:
“With the blog I want to inspire, train and show that you can succeed if you just want to and also give a dose of my tireless energy and creativity to both young and established entrepreneurs regardless of gender or nationality.”
For 2019, the company had sales of just over SEK 129 million and made a profit after net financial items of SEK 9.3 million.
The annual accounts for the same year show that the company made a stock dividend of SEK 5 million to parent company NMT Think Pink, where Bella Nilsson, who is the sole owner, earned a stock dividend of SEK 12 million.
Bella Nilsson and her husband live in a villa in Tullinge. His old friend, billionaire and businessman Leif-Ivan Karlsson, who was vice president of NM Trading for a few years, also lives in the area. He had previously told Expressen that he was just an advertising mainstay for the company and did not know how the business was run.
Expressen has searched for Bella Nilsson and her husband Thomas Nilsson.
September 12: The owner couple Bella and Thomas Nilsson and another person were arrested and arrested for a serious environmental crime.
September 15: The trio are arrested on suspicion of a serious environmental crime.
16 of September: Expressen talks about the huge mountains of unsorted garbage from Think Pink in Röfors on the outskirts of Laxå, Dannemora in Östhammar municipality, Botkyrka in Stockholm, Hova in Gullspång municipality, Kjula in Eskilstuna and Skultuna in Västerås municipality.
Expressen also reports on how the company’s environmentally hazardous waste causes major problems at a garbage station in Laxå and how neighbors complain about noise and dust.
September 18: Climate and Environment Minister Isabella Lövin (MP) comments on Think Pink’s waste management information that emerged in Expressen’s review: “Really reprehensible,” says and opens to strengthen police investigative capacity on environmental crimes.
September 19th: Expressen recounts how Think Pink must have used a bulvan in the 1980s for its landfill in Dannemora.
September 20: Expressen reveals how Think Pink has used two consultants who had previously been convicted of serious crimes, including arson and widespread tax fraud. The consultants also worked for the LMAG company, which was involved in the battery scandal that resulted in four men receiving prison sentences earlier this year.
September 25th: According to the police, the waste has been dumped on several private farms. “They left 50 tons of plastic and paper,” a landowner tells Expressen.
September 28: The prosecutor requests an extension of the detention period. She says the company not only dumped waste, it also buried it.
October 13: Bella and Thomas Nilsson are released from prison, but suspicions of environmental crimes persist.
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It appeared in various places in the Stockholm area.