Greater preparation in large hospitals


From: TT


Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge is increasing its readiness to receive more covidual patients in the intensive care unit.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT

Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge is increasing its readiness to receive more covidual patients in the intensive care unit. Stock Photography.

More and more covid patients will need intensive care or care now that the spread of the infection is gaining momentum. Large university hospitals are poised to be able to rapidly increase the number of intensive care units, according to Dagens Nyheter.

An example is the Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge. There are 43 intensive care places available and 18 additional places are being prepared.

– We have seen this as a contingency. Unfortunately, it looks like we will have to use it, intensive care manager Björn Persson tells the newspaper.

When it was at its worst, the Stockholm Region treated 230 covid patients with intensive care, compared to 15 today.

The Uppsala University Hospital has also increased its capacity and has 1.5 rooms allocated for covid patients.

With the highest number of infections per capita in Sweden, the Örebro region hopes to be able to almost double its care locations if necessary.

A similar type of expansion is planned in the Västra Götaland region and the Skåne region.

